
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ownership of Media Companies – Disney, the BBC and The Bath Chronicle

Disneys a pubic partnership and is as well a conglomerate it has a net income of around $4.555 billion and has apportions of 1.856 billion. As Disney is earthly owned it means that their loss is that they swallow to follow many people or a charter analogous the BBC. They also spew up an disadvantage with limited liability as they be personal labially. Public companies also means they give way a nonher disadvantage as they adopt higher costs for the government which means they have higher taxes. Mainly they do have to share financial documents with the normal which also means that competition does get to see there documents. finally being a public company you dot have to aim lots of shareholders what they think. On the other plenty the advantages could be that it provides more jobs. They have to provide a service for the whole country.Disney fortuitysDisney has many business ventures and own many companies including 9 walt Disney picture companies for example Touchs tone, 5 Disney music companies, Television channels, cable networks, ESPN, Disney interactive groups, holidays and theme park. Disney are reservation so many things and spreading their wings into so many antithetical business. With all these businesss it helps Disney have a massive tumid integration.Disney is well renowned for its classical word pictures and young movies from the likes of Snow White and Cinderella to Tangled and Princess and the frog. Disney also wants to activate into different countries and they do this by making cultural movies and having Disney holidays, theme parks and cruises. Whilst Disney makes many movies we love they have also been criticized for being sexist, ageism and sometimes racist, for example the villain is forever old and the princess always being a type of housewife, for example Snow White alter the house. In films like Aladdin a song featured in the movie featured a quite rude I come from a landwhere they cut off your ears, if they foun ding fathert like your face. Its barbaric, but hey, its home. When you think of Disney you think fun, light family entertainment not Disney being excused racist, sexism and ageism but in a credit this quote Michael Eisner explains We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our sole(prenominal) objective.Disney use has very good vertical integration due to how many companies they own. Disney stick out make movies with their production company, advance the films and products in their magazine, show it on their television channel. For example Beavis and Butt-Head Do the States on costed $11 million to make and do a increase on $70 million, but Disneys The Lion King made a profit of $1 billion due to them making merchandise, TV show, broadway shows. When films are made by conglomerates they generate more profit than a box office filmed would.OwnershipBBC ownershipBBCThe BBC is neither public nor privately owned, it is a swear and is funded by licence payers. On the BBC self-assertion website it has in bold letters getting the dress hat out of the BBC for license fee payers. This means that the BBC has a charter which tells the BBC the dos and donts. The charter tells the BBC that the content on the BBC must be informative, educational, entertaining and the BBC should film the UK to the world and the world to the UK. As the BBC is a trust and runs on the money that the incense payer gives them, the BBC butt scarce use the money they make on TV shows etc and put it into other shows they make. The advantage of a trust is that the money can just reused however the disadvantage is that the it has a charter that it must run by however I also see this as a despotic ting because they know what things they are supposed to do.BBC servicesThe BBC has multiply TV stations, radio stations, news channels and many other sectors including online services, interactive media, mu sic, miscellaneous etcPersonally I like the BBC because1. It has no adverts and I suppose the BBC dont need adverts of products because the BBC is paid for by cerebrate payers and people that watch TV mostly hate adverts. However they do play adverts for programs on the BBC. This may increase viewers as it allows them to pass through the things they dont like but also the BBC has some of the best shows on the TV. Since the digital switch over I can only imagine that the BBC lost viewing figures.With the BBC becoming a trust in 2007, I think that the this has helped the BBC run a more organised service. It has gave the BBC strategy and overall it has made the BBC more successful. Since the trust came in in 2007 the trust has approved new services including iPlayer, HDTV, BBC Alba and the digital switchover.Ownershiptub business relationshipThe can historyThe Bath chronicle is a public company which means that it has the same advantages and disadvantages of Disney. However as Di sney is much bigger, this means the rules are probably less important but exempt are static used. The newspaper which began in 1760 is now owned by Northcliff media. As the chronicle is a newspaper it must write about things in Bath but it can mention some major things outside Bath but most of the stories are based around local area. So I suppose this must be an advantage as they still have some freewill.I suppose that Northcliff media has Horizontal integration as they buy all different newspapers. The advantage of this can be that they can share the costs of production and management, the production can be make in bulk but may be a identification number harder then a TV station or other media sector, as local papers may be made locally and have different content and deadlines and profits could be more. On the other hand disadvantages could include individuality being lost, no competitors left like a monopoly when theres a lack of competition.

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