Monday, March 4, 2019
Western Civ Continuous or Discontinuous
Is kind Development Continuous or Dis consecutive? Human Development is flavorlong, continuous and discontinuous and goes in so more varied directions throughout a flavourspan. It is plastic, multidisciplinary and is embedded in a changing socio-historical context. I truly believe I live in a continuous nurture pattern, as I believe the rest of us wish our barbarianren to follow in our footsteps of persistency. Sigmund Freud addresses continuous versus discontinuous in the understanding of noetic illness. We tend to wonder if a mental illness if unless an middling person taking fewthing to an extreme, or if it is just a matter of degree.I view thither is a difference in the way soul with a mental illness experiences reality. There are so some(prenominal) different kinds of mental illnesses so it is far more complicated than a single entity. There is even debate out there as to what exactly is considered a mental illness versus what is not. I guess to slightly it is each in the eyes of the beholder. What do we know about Sigmund Freuds scheme? His Psychoanalytic Theory is an intrinsic struggle amongst ego, id and superego. In kidskinren, it focuses mostly on the manifestation of disorders as seen from individual case studies.This theory has psychosexual comprises which include oral (birth-1year), anal (1-3yr), Phallic (3-6yr), Latency (6-11yr) and venereal (Adolescence). This theory is unique in that it is a kind of life sentencespan and states that expressional manifestations are a result of internal struggles. This theory emphasizes on the purpose of early experiences on child development and the mediating role of conjures. Sigmund Freud proposed that if the child see anxiety, thwarting his or her sexual appetite during any libidinal (psychosexual) development breaker point, said anxiety would persist into adulthood as a neurosis, a functional mental disorder.The biggest problem with this theory is that it is hard to verify. A co ntinuity life is atomic number 53 that basically believes of having stages of development. From babyhood and learning to walk and let out to adolescence and making decisions on your own a person living a continuity life rents life as it changes and adapts to it. Whether it be first twenty-four hours of kindergarten and learning to read to seemly a first time parent we accept that something new is about to happen in our lives and queue for the change. I dont know how often people would not accept the stages of life and move forward with the stages/changes but o feel its important to do so. Anformer(a) theory from the text I put together interesting with respect to continuity was in the sensorimotor period (behavior formulateing on actions) to the formal operations period (perfection of development) are part of Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development. The cognitive development theory is one that I found to be quite interesting. This theory suggests that a child could adju st to the surroundings based on what was happening at the time that the stage of a childs life and growth is a continuous process.The stages, according to Cleverley & Phillips Piagets theory suggest that whenever a difficulty was encountered, it threw the child out of mental equilibrium, and the child was then forced to make some addition to its mental apparatus cognitive accommodation gored. (pg. 87). In other words, what I think this means is that whenever an solvent would occur in a childs life that was of a difficult nature, it would force the child to adjust to the situation and then move forward.Ultimately, every decision that is do (whether these decisions are make during infancy, adolescent or adult) these decisions violation the next stage of life. Its clear that the cognitive theory of Piaget is one that the stages of development occur in the cognitive state of mind. Discontinuity on the other hand appears to me to be more a religious theory and a background that the re are not necessarily stages to life but events and that the events occurring dont necessarily predict how the future outcome of that individual might be.The inclination behind a discontinuity life is that the events or obstacles that a person is approach with are the pre mapped out plan of god. According to Augustines theory that all children are born in sin and act of resign result it is my understanding that Augustines theory is a theory of discontinuity. This is because discontinuity is having a life with personal decision, freely chosen, that will profoundly change the direction of ones life. (Module Commentary Historical Antecedents II) From what Im understanding Augustines theory on discontinuity is that a decision has the ability to significantly impact the outcome of ones life.According to module commentary look suggests that the past of an individual doesnt necessarily suggest what the outcome of that person may be. When looking at my life and trying to determine w hether my life would be of continuity or discontinuity I have to admit I struggled with the differences. I think that I my life could be either actually. However, subsequently reading the text I would have to say that I would think the majority of my life is continuous in that my life has been full of stages.From infancy to adolescence and then into adult hood these were distinctive stages to which I lived through and do distinctive decisions. I recall events during my childhood such as my parents divorcing that helped me to grip and realize that life isnt perfect. Instead of shameing on the incident that my parents were no longer together and revert back to being an infant (i. e. inability to cope with life and depend on others to make decisions for me and becoming depressed) I opted for the continuity approach and accept the event and move forward.I will say Im one of five siblings and I can tell you that my youngest brother reverted and fell in a life full of bad decisions with severe impacts and he struggles with locomote forward and accept life as it is. I graduated high school and went take out to college. My first child was born while I was in my associates class in college but I kept plugging along with my studies determined and cogitate to get what I was working so hard for. I had many relationships that ended badly, however, I didnt revert to a life of pity but rather felt the pain, dealt with the impacts of my decisions and moved forward.Every stage in my life whether it be when I was a child and care free to being a mother of two beautiful children and full of obligation Ive realized that my life is continuous. I will keep moving forward with all the events and stages that take place in my life. I do believe these events have the ability to mold a person just by the decisions that were made. I believe that people can have an event happen in their life that in turns has a drastic impact. precede the death of Ivan Ilych for example. He st ruggled with an illness and then was given the opportunity to reflect on his life and to see things differently.This man had an incredible transformation. In force what Im suggesting is that while my life is continuity I am married to a man whose life to me appears to be of discontinuity. The more I learn of what his faith and beliefs are the more easily it is to find complications between the two. According to Cleverley & Phillips descriptions of typical behavior can only be made in the context of a theory, because what is to count as typical behavior very much depends upon the point of view of the observer, and furthermore, the language that is used to draw and quarter the behavior is usually orrowed from theory, or may have political or ideological connotations. Thus, what the observer sees in children depends upon what model he or she brings along. (pg. 96). Therefore, I take this to mean that how a person views either their life or the life of someone else is a matter of opi nion by the basis of what their foundation of knowledge is based on and what they bring into your life with. References Cleverly, deception & Phillips, D. C. (1986) Visions of Childhood. Influential Models from Locke to Spock
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