Monday, February 11, 2019
Human Resources at John Lewis use labour market information to help :: Human Resources Essays
forgiving Resources at John Lewis theatrical role labour market training to dish out them with at that place HR planningTask 3 Human Resources at John Lewis use labour market information to helpthem with in that location HR planning. The information allows us to aim atlocal troth trends so they muckle indicate the availability oflabour in accredited beas, so they can earn whether it is in fact easy ordifficult to hire .It also can be used to see whether a large companyhas made employees redundant which means there will be more workersavailable with the skills that could be transferable to the job. local skills shortages is another piece of valid information that Hrdepartment pick up valuable as they can expand their own training schemesfor employees to pee-pee up their skills. Hr feel that coming togetherwith fellow companies and employers in the area in which is in asimilar industry, can life local schools and colleges so thatpeople can develop their skills early on. rival for employees is principal(prenominal) for Hr to be aware of, as they will urgency know whether fellowcompetitors are enlarging the company and will in change form have a largerdemand for labour.Human resources use this information inparticualr to overview thelevel of unemployment within certain regions and areas. Through thisthere will be a highschooler availability of labour, and so more people cancommute easily the work place. This also depends on the regionsstatistics, age distribution, attitudes to women working and to theextent to which young people stay at school, college or go to highereducation.John Lewiss Hr department also look at internal labour marketstatistics to help them develop the business. It is important tooverview labour turnover as it allows them to forecast for the future,for if rung turnover is high they must recognise why this is so andthen make changes to book staff. However in some ways companies cantake gain of staff turnover as they can se e it as an col forpromotions and fresh ideas from new staff. Yet at the same time losingstaff is cost effective to the company as they will lose the skillsand develop new employees.Human resources feel that it is important to keep a interpret of thecompanies sickness and accident rates. This means holding records ofthe companies notified absences, absences due to sickness and unaccredited absences. Through this they can take a statisticalanalysis and use the information to identify any particular problemswith a specific or group of employees. However HR then look at whetherabsences are due to sickness or are unauthorised.
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